Published on March 10, 2004 By BuckR In Personal Relationships
Divorce is one of the most prevalent and difficult things to go

through .

The divorce rate for first marriages is above 50 % , and above

75 % for second marriages .

Not very inviting odds . After my Divorce . I just kept busy with

work , family , music and friends .

I was not !!! interested in getting out in that " Dating " world .

A friend , told one of his co-workers about me , and she wanted to

meet me .

To make a long story short . She hung in there , until I got over

being scared to death

of another relationship . The rest of that story is like a dream come

true .

Anyway , I discovered that in any relationship .

It takes 2 to make it , and 2 to break it .

How you decide to distribute the %'s of who did what to make it or

break it .

Is just poorly spent time . I decided to just move on ,

and not spend time poorly .

To my point . If a relationship is too difficult , it is probably not the

one for you .

Or , you are not the one for them . There are more single females

than single males

in the dating universe . Guys , that is to our advantage . Ladies ,

that is to your disadvantage .

I have my own theory on that . And I will keep that one for myself .

Some people should forever remain single .

If you are one of those , get use to it . Develope friends and

hobbies to keep you busy .

If you are one of the blessed ones , that is to have a special

someone . That person is

out there for you . You just have to patiently wait unitl they come

around . Go about your normal life ,

and they will appear . But , only if you have " Faith " .

Thanks to Peggy .

My faith was renewed .

c ya later . buckr Copyright Smithfield , Va 2004

on Mar 11, 2004
I'm glad you like your own work. I actually liked this one.