Published on March 5, 2004 By BuckR In Philosophy
FYI - I think this current generation of teens and younger .

Will be the most arrogant generation we will ever see .

With the imaginary degree of power they must feel and

enticing technology thrust upon them every day .

They will feel fearless to extreme and lack good judgement .

c ya later . buckr Copyright Smithfield , Va 2004

on Mar 05, 2004
...not agreed, and I'm a youth too. The youth I know are more insecure than any generation before them, because they don't understand their societal roles.

on Mar 05, 2004
society says the same thing about every up and coming's the same direction we've been heading in for several generations
on Mar 07, 2004
In America it is different with this generation. For the first time, they have a lower expectancy of a better life being passed on to them. They see the family unit destroyed by the divorce industry. This isn't the point though, it's the villainization of masculinity they've witnessed at home, in court, in the classroom. An entire generation of white males have been raised to feel guilt for being white and male. There are nihilistic lyrics in the songs, struggles to hold up their pants as they seek a socially acceptable identity. Thye know thier elders are wrong, government is thoroughly corrupt, the church is not about God anymore, and there is no hero on a white horse coming.

I think it's going to turn very bad for us when they get into Nietzche and find nihilism and anarchy are the only political affiliations that makes sense in such a society. Order and power are the enemy everywhere they look. As a pro wrestler used to say of his opponents future, "It's gonna be BAAAD". And I'm with them 100%. The perception is correct, change won't occur in a electronic ballot box owned by Diebold contributors to Bush, and the only change will be by OTHER means. They'll unite with others the world over and world revolution is in the conceptually workable stage. Power to them as they release themselves from the labels,sins, crimes, and debt of their parents and society.
on Mar 09, 2004
Man, all this teen bashing isn't fun to listen to and honestly I can't stand it. My generation as I'm going to call it since i'm a teen and all. We haven't been labeled as Generation X or the Baby Boomers. We have no identity. I feel that means we are one of the best genereations to rise up. Teens are more resourcefull. We accept differences in others better than any other generation and I'm glad.
My only complaint is that we won't have equality in america EVER it's just not going to happen. Different people were created differently and we are all supposed to stay different. Like my llama friends are rude and sarcastic but they have a great imagination. I have been considered by many adults to be different because I care about others and I stay calm even when others are going nuts. I listen to my parents and stand strong against drugs, alcohol, and sex before marriage. Idon't know if that means anything to you all but what i'm trying to say is this could very easily become the greatest generation come come through here in a long time; with all of our social differences my generation could very easily show all of you teen haters what we're REALLY cpable of. You just wait. We're coming fast!

Capt. over and out!
on Mar 11, 2004
I hate to tell you CaptainCornbread, but you are a good guy. There are a lot of youth like you true. But this is becoming a 'world' generation and with it will come the issues of a lot of people worse off than Americans. If the hippies made a stir, then I think this one will cause an earthquake.

This is a link to a story on anarchy being taught in colorado. "If ten people walk beyond civilization and build a new sort of life for themselves, then those ten are already living in the next paradigm from the first day. They don't need to belong to a party or a movement. They don't need laws to be passed. They don't need permits. They don't need a constitution. They don't need tax exempt status. For those ten, the revolution will already have succeeded."

The article goes on about other issues, but is introducing a philopsophy which I think will resonate with this generation, one which you admit has not yet identified itself as a class.

Identity is not chosen by them, as in 'hippie' or 'genXer'. It is fed to them by the controlled media. It was not coincidence that the hippies let their hair grow. It was fed to them that it was different, different was good and so everyone wore their hair long. Ironically, being different meant being the same, but that went over their heads. The abject consumers and wall street shysters of today were the 'hippies of yesterday who believed they were the opposite of this - they weren't, but just didn't get the fact they were being manipulated.

As for 'generation X' did you know that the actual term originated in a book by two authors who wrotea book about the generations of America? Terming their generation as the tenth generation of America, or generation X as in the latin numeral? The book was reviewed by a NY Times writer who used the term generation 10 as 'X' and it took off. The kids themselves never 'chose' all at once to be genXers. It was fed to them by the 'controlled-media', who went about compounding the error of one to manipulate a whole generation's self-identity.

This generation will also be fed their identity by the 'controlled-media', and it begins in the Universities with courses such as the one mentioned here. There is a lot to say on this topic and I could go on for a book's length. To get a clue how such behavior can be sociologically ( a false science in my opinion) manipulated on a mass of people, go and study the history of the 'Tavistock Institute' and the R.I.I A. . This is an eye opening area of study and will show how society is controlled. A look at the phenomenon of the Beatles and 'rock and roll' will be a good case-study. It was no coincidence, and impacted the entire generation by use of a new scale of music. I won't go on because I could really get carried away and so will save you the details you can find for yourself.

Be good as you are and don't get caught up in the fed-identity they will use on dupes to sell them hula-hoops and jeans. And remember to lock your car and house doors at night, cause "It's going to be baaaad"
on Mar 18, 2004
Glad to know you are out there capt c . My generation is too old to fix this place .

That job falls on you all . And it looks like some of you are up for the task .

Don't give up . Put this place back , like is was made to be .

c ya later . buckr
on Mar 18, 2004
I messed up an gave a bad tip. I have been bothered by it for a week. The word is not spelled 'Tavistock' but 'Tavistok' Sorry if anyone went looking and couldn't find it because of my error. Now my soul rests in peace again.
on Mar 18, 2004
I don't know if I should take that as a sign of suport and incouragement but thanks anyways. I know that the task falls to me and my peers. That scares me at times but I believe that we're strong enough to do what it takes to get things back on track.

Capt. over and out! ™